Trade of pork butcher's products Tokyo Japan

Trade of pork butcher's products Tokyo Japan

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120 day old Chicken

120 day old Chicken

The 120-day-old poultry (in the process of being certified) is the result of the will of wholesalers who, in collaboration with the group of farmers of the Bocage, wanted to meet the requirements of a clientele concerned with quality. Resulting from a slow-growing strain cross, this... More detailsnavigate_next

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foie gras de canard IGP

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‘ A healthy red meat ‘   Originating from Asia, deer has adapted admirably to the great variations in temperature, for thousands of years. It  populates central and western Europe (England, Scotland, Spain, Corsica & France) but also Asia Minor. Nowadays it is bred... More detailsnavigate_next

You are the owner of a gourmet restaurant in Tokyo Japan and are looking for a wholesaler of meat or poultry? Gourmet Exception has recognized expertise in the export of top-quality gastronomic products in Tokyo Japan. We pay particular attention to the conditions in which the animals were raised. Discover the cooked meats, fine poultry,and several tasty red meats offered by Gourmet Exception on this website.

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Trade of pork butcher's products