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Wagyu beef

‘ Not to be missed in top French gastronomy ‘


It’s origin:

Wagyu beef is a Japanese beef originating from Korea, the Wagyu cattle is a very old race, dating back to the second century. In the beginning, Wagyu was  bred for its  strength,  to be used in agricultural work. Today the Wagyu beef is  inescapable in top gastronomy.

Characterisics of the Wagyu beef.

Weighing over 600 kgs, the Wagyu is known world-wide for the excellence of its meat. It is recognised in fine gastronomy, for its exceptional meat and intense  intramuscular marbling (the fat is found within the meat, and not around it). Its  tenderness and delicateness of taste have entirely seduced the world’s top chefs!


The fat within Wagyu beef is low in cholesterol because it produces essential  fatty acids, hence less  saturated fat.


The quality of the meat is due to several factors:  a strictly regulated diet, body massage for  the cattle,  plus  beer or sake  for the cattle to drink and classical music to listen to,  so as not to be disturbed!


 Gourmet Exception also offers its Wagyu beef from Spain ...

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Wagyu beef Wagyu beef